Marketing insights and ideas to create more traffic for your firm

How do you know if your firm's website is creating traffic? You can just pump out new content regularly and hope for the best, but a better approach is tracking what actually gets noticed. Do you know exactly who interacts with your site and what information they need?

Far too many attorneys misunderstand the marketing opportunities for their site, so they post irrelevant articles and pictures of themselves looking strong. Richard Jacobs, the Founder and President of Speakeasy Marketing, Inc., believes law firms need better marketing strategies if they want to land new clients. 

In this week's episode of Spill The Ink, host Michelle Calcote King interviews the Founder and President of Speakeasy Marketing, Inc., Richard Jacobs. They discuss the PRIME Marketing Method, why reviews are important, and the benefits of podcasting. Richard shares how to track content engagement and why the Goldilocks length for thought leadership books works. He also shares how to monetize solo podcast episodes to land new clients. Stay tuned.


Featured Guest

Richard Jacobs

Speakeasy Marketing, Inc


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